Reflection on Walk Around Grenada 12th – 16th December 2022

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What a great experience as I walked over 5 days around Grenada, spending between 3.5 hours and 5 hours a day travelling and being hosted by some lovely people from different Church denominations. The plan was to raise money through sponsorship to repair Samaritan Presbyterian Church so we can do more community activity

Day 1 Samaritan Church – Grenville Methodist – Prayer

I was blessed as some people from the Church came out to see me off and prayed for me as I set off. I was aware of other prayer from all over Grenada and in the UK. On the steep hills and the day of pouring rain, when my feet ached and the bag felt heavy. The prayers gave me fuel to keep going. The prayers protected me. I prayed for a few people on my Journey.  

Jesus would go and find a quiet place to pray, sometimes before and after he did something. It sustained him, energized him and ensured he was doing God’s will in partnership with his Father in heaven. Many say that God knows our needs anyway, true, but he wants us to connect and partner with him. Prayer leads to actions and more is achieved when we work together in partnership with God.

Bible: Matthew 14: 21- 23, Luke 18: 1-8

Day 2 Grenville – St David’s Catholic Church – Church Unity

As I walked and passed a Church of any denomination I would pray for that Church and that God would bring unity to the body of Christ in Grenada. I was hosted on my four nights by Methodists, Catholics, Presbyterians and Anglicans and supported by other tribes of the Church. God wants us to be united in what is a majority of issues, there is more that unites us than divides us.

Yes, we have some theological differences, different structures and some different ways of being Church. However, we can do projects together, encourage each other in prayer and sometimes resources. Many of the issues we face are the same

Bible: Psalm 133, 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31 1 Corinthians 1: 10- 17

Day 3 St David’s to St Georges Presbyterian Church- Climate Crisis

As I walked down to the main road from St David’s Catholic Church, you could see the beauty of the hills, sea, houses, schools and farms laid out before me. Grenada is an amazing and blessed country with sun, rain and good soil, just a bit hilly at times. I am impressed by all the street cleaners I see around in some places making the roads clear of rubbish. How do we encourage our people to not waste so much single use disposable items. I know in the Covid period many turned to this for safety, but it has set us back.

Leaving St David’s Catholic Church

We can walk with water in a reusable bottle, rather than buying one or expecting others to provide it at our destination. We could carry our own containers for food, we could wash up plates and cups. So many cars passed me with just one person in and a short drive to the shop down the road causes more pollution than some longer drives. We live on an Island with many hills, but some of the flatter islands are in danger of being underwater soon. Do explore more about how we can do just a little to help combat this Climate Crisis. We have a responsibility to those who are suffering due to the mismanagement of our environment.

Bible: Genesis 1: 26-28, Matthew 25: 40.

Day 4 St Georges – Gouyave Anglican Church – Exercise and Screens

Bible: Philippians 3: 12- 14, James 1: 12, 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

I started out and walked past the Kirani James Sports Stadium. Over the years many have celebrated great physical accomplishments and I wonder what the future holds. I had expected to see lots of young people out playing physical games in this holiday but very few. It seems that many stay at home and watch a screen and loose the opportunity to socialize and make the most of this amazing environment.

Many of our older people have kept fit by walking and tending the farm, now in older age they are still able to get out and enjoy themselves. If we don’t use and build up our bodies it will become more of a challenge in old age. I believe we are all on a Journey, physically, emotionally, spiritually and we have to exercise and grow in a holistic way. Training to reach the Goal. A bit more walking will help us and our environment.

Day 5 Gouyave – Samaritan Presbyterian Church- Journeying together

I had been told on the Monday that some teachers from Samaritan Presbyterian School planned to meet me in Victoria and walk the last part of the Walk/ Journey with me. I looked forward to this and was pleased that more than I had expected and some of their children walked. We tried to stay together, but some had longer legs and a faster pace, but we were all in it together and celebrated as people arrived at the end.            

We are all on a Faith Journey and sometimes it feels like we walk alone, but God is always with us. It is good to walk with others, but we are all unique, go at a different pace, and divert to engage in different things. Walking together involves negotiation and whilst that can be challenging it helps us to grow and understand more. The coastal walk between Victoria and Duquesne Bay is beautiful and great to experience together.

Some think we will not go to church or be involved in a Christian group, too much hypocrisy and try to do Christianity alone. But fellowship and being with others is key to our growth. In becoming a Christian we have not reached a destination but have started a journey. I pray we can all Journey with others.

Bible Matthew 9: 37-38, Hebrews 13: 1-2, Philemon 1: 6, Romans 14: 1-12

My thanks to all who supported me in this venture: in prayer, in accommodation, and financially. I was encouraged by your support. I plan to let you know the progress in the repair of our building which we can now start.    

Rev Nigel Lindsay  


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